ILMA University - Formerly IBT publishes five research journals bi-annually i.e. IBT Journal of Business Studies (IBTJBS), Journal of Information & Communication Technology (JICT), Journal of Media & Communication (JMC), ILMA Journal of Social Sciences & Economics (IJSSE) are recognized in "Y" category by Higher Education Commission (HEC), Government of Pakistan. ILMA Journal of Technology & Software Management (IJTSM) is under the recognition process.

IBTJBS, JICT, JMC, IJTSM & IJSSE maintain the highest ethical standards of creativity with emphasis on originality. The journal is committed to quality of content and gives full respect to copyright laws. Authors contributing research papers and thesis to the Journal pledge to observe the sanctity of their works and make sure that their writings are original and can never be challenged in part or full for plagiarism work before reviewing process and if found any percentage at the first step, the authors are informed that their papers are never accepted again.



    IBT- Journal of Business Studies (IBTJBS) is a double-blind peer refereed journal published semi-annually by ILMA University. IBTJBS recognizes the growing involvement of regional issues in management sciences within the larger context of globalization and international business in scholarly communications. The journal, therefore, aims to provide an opportunity and a forum to communicate relevant and current issues in the area of business management and its allied sciences. JBS welcomes the research articles based on empirical research, conceptual frame works and critical reviews. The articles submitted to editorial office are screened by IBTJBS editorial team and send to peer reviewers to ensure the double-blind peer reviews.


    The aims of the journal are to :publish original, scientific, theoretical, or applied research in the field of Computer Science and allied fields. institute a platform for publishing results and research with a strong empirical component. act as a channel to reduce the significant gap between research and practice by promoting the publication of original, novel, industry-relevant research. call for original and unpublished research papers based on theoretical or investigational works for publication worldwide. promote original, theoretical, and practical advances in Computer Science, Information Technology, and all interdisciplinary streams of IT through result-oriented research. create a platform for publishing results and research with a robust pragmatic element. expand the connection between research and industry practice by promoting the publication of inventive, unique and industry-oriented research. solicit innovative and unpublished research articles, based on conjectural or experimental exploration.


    Ilma University brings an economically powered and socially spurred journal to the forefront with the prestigious title ILMA Journal of Social Sciences & Economics (IJSSE). It encompasses and expounds the socio-economic issues at the local and international planes. IJSSE places paramount emphasis on linguistic, economic and social arenas which propel human experience, expertise, interaction and inclusion forward. IJSSE is a double-blind peer-refereed journal published semi-annually by ILMA University. IJSSE charts the progress made in the main and marginalised areas of Social Science & Economics within the larger landscape of globalization and international in scholarly communications. The journal, therefore, aims to provide an opportunity and a forum to communicate relevant and current trends in the highly spirited areas of Social Science & Economics and its related directions. IJSSE offers a widely acclaimed platform for research articles based on empirical research, conceptual frameworks and critical reviews. The well-researched articles submitted to the editorial office are screened by IJSSE editorial team and sent to peer reviewers who ensure the authenticity through a stringent yet substantial process of double-blind peer reviews. ILMA University, the publisher of Journal of Social Science & Economics (IJSSE) is the full member of CrossRef for Cross Mark and DOI for its all serials.


    Journal of Media & Communication (JMC) will examine a wide variety of media activities regarding Film, TV, Radio, Social media, academic research etc. Theoretical and empirical advances in film making, production, web channels, web channels, organizational communication, media ethics, digital marketing and other contemporary issues are evaluated on a regular basis. It will be published for executives, researchers and scholars and media students alike, the Journal aids the application of empirical research to practical situations and theoretical findings to the reality of the media world. The scope of the journal will include the all the contemporary issues of media sciences. Responsibility for the content of a paper rests upon the authors and not upon the editors or the publishers.


    The ILMA Journal of Technology & Software Management (IJTSM) is a forward-thinking publication by ILMA University, dedicated to advancing technology and software management for the betterment of society. We prioritize accessibility and multidisciplinary research, welcoming contributions from various fields related to technology and IT management. Our stringent evaluation process emphasizes methodological rigor and ethical standards. IJTSM aims to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange in these critical domains. For more details, please refer to our publication guidelines.