The Interplay between Enterprise Marketing Strategy and Relationship Performance: A Strategic Perspective


  • Sobia Jamil Jinnah University for women
  • Sherbaz khan IoBM - CBM
  • Irfan Ul Haque Greenwich University


Enterprise Marketing Strategy; Customer Relationship Management; Market Segmentation; Customer Satisfaction; Marketing Tactics.


The success of a company depends heavily on its marketing plan and the quality of its client relationships. This research report aims to provide a deeper understanding of the critical elements that influence the performance of relations and the interaction between company’s advertising approaches. Using a thorough literature review and empirical data analysis, this study examines several areas of marketing strategy, such as current industry performance, dedication, pricing strategy, marketing via social media, and managing customer relationships. The study looks at how these strategic elements affect relationship performance indicators like client satisfaction, commitment to the brand, cooperation, and long-term profitability. By providing light on the complicated links between marketing strategy and relationship performance in the context of businesses, the research's findings add to our understanding of this topic. Administrators and professionals can build advertising techniques that enhance relationship performance with the support of the findings of the research, which will ultimately result in an ongoing edge in competitiveness and economic profitability.


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How to Cite

Jamil, S., khan, S., & Haque, I. U. (2024). The Interplay between Enterprise Marketing Strategy and Relationship Performance: A Strategic Perspective. IBT- JOURNAL OF BUSINESS STUDIES, 19(2), 98–125. Retrieved from

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