Media Melodrama: Decoding the Impact of Soap Operas on Marital Concerns among Young Viewers


  • Ifra Iftikhar Garrison University Lahore
  • Bushra Yasmeen Minhaj University Lahore


Soap operas, Perceived risk of mistreatment in the relationship, Perceived ability to handle relationships, Perceived gravity of mistreatment, Fear of a bad marriage


This study investigates the complex interaction between psychological factors, the fear of a bad marriage (FOBM), and the consumption of soap operas. While watching soap operas (WSD) is associated with FOBM, mediation studies show that these associations are not fully explained by perceived relationship handling competence (PAHR), perceived risk of mistreatment (PRM), or perceived severity of abuse (PGM). A possible desensitization effect, wherein soap opera viewers may perceive real-life threats as less severe, is suggested by the negative relationship found between PRM and FOBM. On the other hand, the positive correlation shown between FOBM and PGM suggests that watching soap operas increases one's awareness of the gravity of possible abuse. There may be a division in confidence in relationship management, as indicated by the non-significant correlation with PAHR. The distinctive influence of media consumption on marriage perspectives is highlighted by the direct effect of WSD on FOBM, even after controlling for mediators. This study highlights the need for a sophisticated knowledge of the psychological processes involved in media consumption and relationship issues, contributing to our understanding of how soap operas impact people's anxieties and expectations about romantic relationships. In summary, higher perceived danger, higher reported intensity of abuse, and weaker confidence in relationship management are all linked to increased worries about marital discontent.


