Design of Homeostatic Temperature Control System for Hypohidrosis Patients and its effect on EEG waveform


  • Mehwish Faiz Ziauddin University Faculty of Engineering, Science, Technology & Management
  • Taha Mushtaq Shaikh Ziauddin University Faculty of Engineering, Science, Technology & Management
  • Shahzad Nasim Begum Nusrat Bhutto Women University
  • Neha Khanzada Ziauddin University Faculty of Engineering, Science, Technology & Management
  • Warisha Baig Ziauddin University Faculty of Engineering, Science, Technology & Management
  • Syed Hassan Ali Karachi Institute of Economics & Technology,
  • Fahad Shamim Liaquat University of Medical and Health sciences


Hypohidrosis, Sweating, Body Temperature, Thermoelectric cooler, EEG


Hypohidrosis is a sweating disorder that arises as a consequence of malfunctioning sweat glands due to which the human body is unable to lower its temperature. This condition can be a threat to human health as it causes severe health conditions like heat stroke. The proposed device is entirely dependent on the working principle of the thermoelectric cooler (TEC) and LM35 where LM35 helps in the detection of body temperature, as well as atmospheric temperature while the thermoelectric cooler, is used to demote the body temperature. Arduino programming is utilized to direct the working of the device to maintain the desired temperature of the body. Whenever the body temperature increases beyond normal (37°C) set through programming, the LM35 detects it and sends signals to the relay to become normally open so as to start the working of TEC. This will start to cool down the body from its cooling side attached to the skin and exhale out the excessive heat in the atmosphere from its heating side until the desired body temperature is attained. The EEG electrodes are also connected to detect the electrical activity of the subjects to analyze the effect of this device on the EEG waveform therefore the recording is taken without the device and then with the device in different conditions to interpret the effect of lowering down of temperature on the brain. This idea of investigating brain waves is significant to overcome any pessimistic effect on human body during the functioning of TEC. With the rising body temperature due to Hypohidrosis, the voltage of the thermoelectric cooler decreases which ultimately lowers the temperature of the body. This is a user-friendly device that aims to provide the desired comfort to patients with Hypohidrosis; they can enjoy their normal lifestyle, work, and roam out on a sunny day without having to worry about their disease. Moreover, this is an inexpensive device designed from a commercial point of view to meet the medical uses related with sweating disorders.


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